Unquestionably, this article will surely surprise you because I will discuss two of the conceived healthy foods that are actually culprits for having a fat body. In my entire years of being a Certified Personal Trainer, my clients constantly ask "what foods should I avoid to lose weight?" and once I utter these two foods, they simply can't believe that these foods should be off from their diet.
Due to the global awareness regarding harmful and fatty foods, you probably have an idea on how trans fats as well as fructose corn syrup can disrupt your diet. With my purpose to provide nothing but quality lectures concerning the matter, reading this article will serve as your eye-opener to see the real food culprits behind your unwanted fats.
\"What Is The Quickest Way To Lose Weight\"
1# Food Type
Primarily, the first type of food that I desire to highlight is wheat products. It is quite normal to me hearing people stating that cereals, crackers, muffins, breads, and pastas made from wheat are healthy. That is why I'm fairly sure that once you know that wheat products are part of the fattening foods, you will be totally surprised.
Hence, it will be prudent to consider them as part of your "what foods should I avoid to lose weight" list. Why? Though a great percentage of human population across the globe have developed intolerance to gluten on grains particularly in wheat, you should know that we are never meant to consume large sums of wheat in our daily diet.
Wheat in human diets can be traced as early as the formation of primary civilizations, but consuming it in great amounts for the sake of diet was only apparent for the last century. This is actually alarming because for hundreds of years, a human diet only comprises foods such fresh fruits, meats, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.
Based on my professional experience, as soon as I advised most of my clients to keep wheat products off their diet for 2-3 weeks, they literally see the big difference and they are satisfied with the results. Also, they realized that losing body fat is just a fraction of its copious benefits because some of their headache, digestion, and skin problems are also addressed the moment they eliminate wheat products from their daily diet.
2# Food Type
Furthermore, to completely answer your question on "what foods should I avoid to lose weight", I also recommend avoiding fruit juice products. I am not saying that I support "no carbs" campaign or something, because I genuinely believe that fruits are very healthy and they should be integrated in your diet. What I'm trying to say is that the juice should not be separated from the actual fruit.
If you choose to drink fruit juice only, the fruit's fiber and other essential components are obviously left behind. Commercially produced orange and apple juices are some of the prevalent culprits in the Western diet nowadays. You should know beforehand that fibers in fruits are very beneficial in diets because it satisfy your body's appetite, ergo, inhibiting your carbohydrate cravings over time.
Furthermore, fibers in fresh fruits are known to lower your blood sugar. The main point here is that fruit juices will only make you fat. Therefore, try to consume whole and fresh fruits as much as possible, for you to savor all of its nutrients and benefits. Once you place these two conceived healthy foods to your "what foods should I avoid to lose weight" list, plus you eat unprocessed foods, you will surely notice that fats will be easier to eliminate as well as your body will feel healthy and revitalized.
What Foods Should I Avoid to Lose Weight? Two Conceived "Healthy" Foods That Actually Make You Fat
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